Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Story Time

Gather round folks its story time! This is the story of a little site called, who have, just today, released their impressions of the Xbox One, and accompanying games. Polygon has been releasing an episodic self-documentary about themselves for a little while now called "Press Reset", which it turns out they got a little help funding. From who? Microsoft. And how much you ask? $750,000. Here's that fact being confirmed on twitter by Arthur Gies, the head reviewer for Polygon:

So since Microsoft is literally funding their website, you'd think that they would give the Xbox One a glowing review right? Well that seems to have been the plan, what with the final review score being 8/10 (.5 better than their PS4 review), however looking at the review itself tells a different story. It's full of statements like this:




And it goes on. Despite all of these criticisms however, they still offered both a glowing final score and a notably higher score then their competition. Another note about the review is that it frequently cites features that have not been implemented yet as positives, as they will be positive when they launch. Why is the review so self-contradictory in this way? Especially when the same company slams the PS4 in their review with statements like:

When the Xbox One review makes no mention of these shortcomings that both systems share. Why is it like this? If I were a more cynical man I would say that it's because Microsoft believes that people still undecided on which system to get are dumb enough to only look at the final score, rather than read an in depth review. If I were more cynical I'd think that part of Microsoft's deal with Polygon for the $750,000 was to have the Xbox One beat the PS4 in final score no matter what, and that the content of the review itself was never part of the deal. If I were more cynical I'd believe that right now Polygon is live streaming 12 hours with the Xbox One and instead of praising the system that their site declared the "superior machine", our hosts banter would be punctuated with quotes like "Why won't this just work?" (referring to voice controls) and "I hate this game." (referring to Dead Rising 3, a game they praised in their Xbox One review as a "truly next-gen experience" and gave a final score of 7.5/10).

Oh wait. That last one is real.

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